Friday, April 8, 2011

Porch Framed, etc

Well this week the framers got the roof framed for the new front porch.  This will change the orientation of the house to be toward the road instead of the woods.  I'm posting pics of that and one of the back side where the back deck is. 
Side view of porch framing

Fron view of porch framing

View from back deck

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Floor plan

Dave requested a sketch so I saved the pdf of the plans as a jpg to post.  I hope you can sort of see it, the file printed out on an 8 x 11 so it's kind of small to read.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Roof Framing

The carpenters made a lot of progress this week as you will be able to tell from the pictures.  They have the framing up for the roof and you can see how things are shaping up on the windows and stuff now as well.

Close up angle of roof framing

Distant view of roof framing

I have to admit having the windows covered bothers me a bit, but it won't be for long.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Framing going up!!

Late last week the framers laid the sub-floor and started the framing for the addition.  It was really cool to be able to walk out onto the addition.  It gave us a much better feel for how the rooms are going to be.  It is really hard to tell from the pictures what the size is going to be and it was equally difficult to grasp the perspective from just looking at the foundation work. 

persepctive facing from higway

Corner perspective