Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Developments

Well it seems that some people do not believe they should have to pay bills to sub contractors.  You know who you are!!  Stay tuned for further developments about that.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Finally done!!

The guys finished up our house on August 7th and I really want to thank Pat Patterson and Rick Simmerson JR, from KBP Construction who came in and finished up after the former people left.  They did a fantastic job and have wonderful craftmanship!! If anyone want a good crew  for their home call them at (501)529-2299. The Floor Gallery made sure the contract was completed and we are grateful for that.

Now without naming an excessive amount of detail, I will say, that for anyone that was involved with our addition that used the opportunity to take advantage of us, employees, or others, shame on you!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Quick note for this week

I will try to put up a couple of new pictures later this weekend, but for now, I just wanted to let everyone know that they have done a lot of work on the house over the last couple of weeks.  Almost all of the siding is up, most of the drywall, and today they installed new kitchen cabinets.  We will still need counter tops, kitchen sink, painting, flooring, and the trim work.  But, it has gotten to be  a lot easier to visualize the final products :-).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Things going on today!

Well, I'll post a few more pics in a couple of days, but just  a quick note:
Today the framers came and put in the doors and windows and tore out the wall in the kitchen and living room.  We are now "in the dry".  We did lose some time due to the weather and flooding.  Hopefully, things will fall into place pretty quickly now.  Look for pics in a couple of days.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Porch Framed, etc

Well this week the framers got the roof framed for the new front porch.  This will change the orientation of the house to be toward the road instead of the woods.  I'm posting pics of that and one of the back side where the back deck is. 
Side view of porch framing

Fron view of porch framing

View from back deck

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Floor plan

Dave requested a sketch so I saved the pdf of the plans as a jpg to post.  I hope you can sort of see it, the file printed out on an 8 x 11 so it's kind of small to read.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Roof Framing

The carpenters made a lot of progress this week as you will be able to tell from the pictures.  They have the framing up for the roof and you can see how things are shaping up on the windows and stuff now as well.

Close up angle of roof framing

Distant view of roof framing

I have to admit having the windows covered bothers me a bit, but it won't be for long.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Framing going up!!

Late last week the framers laid the sub-floor and started the framing for the addition.  It was really cool to be able to walk out onto the addition.  It gave us a much better feel for how the rooms are going to be.  It is really hard to tell from the pictures what the size is going to be and it was equally difficult to grasp the perspective from just looking at the foundation work. 

persepctive facing from higway

Corner perspective

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is it a tower??

This is from the side of the addition that will be the new bedroom.
Yesterday when I got home from work, it looked like they had built me a tower, but it's really a safe room.  One of our goals was to have a place that  will be easily accessible for storms.  The closet/safe room is the solution to that problem.
This angle is taken from the highway side of the house.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Last week's happenings

Well I was gone most of last week to a training in Kansas.  While I was away, Jim took some pics for me to post.

Foundation work begins in this picture

Notice that the overhang to the old deck was taken off here.
They told Jim to stay away from the Living room window just in case.

I'll upload more stuff as it happens.  Have a good week everyone.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week's updates

Well we have made progress this week, on Thursday, the 17th they tore off the deck.  On Friday the 18th the footings were poured for the foundation  I'm adding the pictures to show the progress so far.
Side angle before deck demolition.
Front angle before deck demolition

House with the deck torn off.  Looks really funny :-)

Footings have been poured

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Meetings this morning

True to his word, our contractor came this morning at 9:00 a.m. and he had the cabinet guy, the foundation guy, and the HVAC guy meet us out here.  It seems that the foundation will be started on Friday.  We are going to have to upgrade the HVAC and we may have to modify the septic and drainage systems.

Monday, March 14, 2011

today's post

The contractor called and set up a meeting for Wednesday morning to pick out kitchen cabinets and talk about the HVAC.  We were originally told that the unit we have would work, but later found out that the contractor was given incorrect information.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Extra stuff for this weekend

During the time we were talking to the contractor we found a leak in one of our water lines.  We will have to get a plumber to fix that!!  Unfortunately, the line we are fixing will be changed in about a month for the addition.

One comment Jim made this evening that is very apt and absolutely hilarious: "We're trying to turn a "redneck" cabin into a really nice conventional home" 

It Begins

Yesterday, we met our contractor and signed the papers to begin the addition.  We are planning to add a living room, master bedroom, master bath, fireplace, saferoom/closet, and re-do the current living room, kitchen, and entrance hall.

During the course of the project I will take some pictures and post notes on how this all goes.  I anticipate some stress since us and our two cats will live here while the construction is underway.  We'll see what happens and just make every attempt to roll with the flow. :-)